Restricting promotions to referring domains

Learn how to add a discount rule to restrict your promotion to visitors accessing your store from a given set of referring domains

Bart Coppens avatar
Written by Bart Coppens
Updated over a week ago

What is a referring domain?

Some definitions to get everyone on the same page:

  • Referring domain: also known as a ref domain, a referring domain is the domain that backlinks are coming from.

  • Backlink: a backlink is a link on another website that points to your site.

When should I use this feature?

This feature can be useful to:

  • Apply a promotion only when the traffic comes from an affiliate

  • Restrict a promotion to traffic coming from a social network 

  • Exclude traffic coming from search engines

  • ...

How do I use it?

  • Edit your promotion

  • Go to the "Rules" tab

  • Find the Referrer section

  • Choose to include or include domains and add your domains, separated with a comma:

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